Online free event - December 6th, 2021

The goal of the FRAMES workshop is to gather both theoretical and practical specialists in meshing.
The third edition is a small workshop jointly organized by the Pixel team from INRIA/Loria, the Hextreme/Gmsh team from UCLouvain, and the CGG/AlgoHex team from Unibe.
Registration (closed)
Although attendance is free and open to the public, registration is required for participation.
Virtual rooms
Chat rooms: Discord
Talk room: Zoom, provided by the Univeristy of Bern
Schedule - December 6th
The time zone is Central European Time (CET, eg. Bern), using 24-hour time format
- 9h15: Welcome coffee
9h30-10h30: Early morning talks
- Locally Hex-Meshable Frame-Fields, David Bommes (University of Bern)
- Computing Valid Global Seamless Parametrizations in 2D and 3D, Guillaume Coiffier (INRIA)
10h30-11h: Coffee break
11h-12h: Late morning talks
- Fast Frame Field Generation using a Multi-Scale Approach, Simone Raimondi (University of Bern)
- Computing Frame Fields with Multi-Level Diffusion, Mattéo Couplet (UCLouvain)
12h-13h: Lunch break
13h-14h: Early afternoon talks
- Meshing Unconventional Patterns with High-Degree Directional Fields, Amir Vaxman (Utrecht University)
- HEXME Preview, Pierre-Alexandre Beaufort (University of Bern)
14h-14h15: Short break
14h15-15h15: Mid afternoon talks
- Quad Mesh Quantization without T-Mesh, Yoann Coudert-Osmont (INRIA)
- Scalable T-Mesh Quantization using Bidirected Min-Cost-Flow, Martin Heistermann (University of Bern)
15h15-15h30: Short break
15h30-17h: Late afternoon talks
- Recent Advancements on Grid-Based Hexahedral Meshing, Cherchi Gianmarco & Marco Livesu (University of Cagliari & CNR IMATI)
- Robust Topological Construction of All-Hexahedral Boundary Layer Meshes, Maxence Reberol (Siemens)
- A Large Scale Comparison of Tetrahedral and Hexahedral Elements for Finite Element Analysis, Daniele Panozzo (New York University)
17h-18h: Open discussions
Previous editions
- FRAMES 2019, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, July 1-2, 2019.
- FRAMES 2020, Online, Hextreme, Belgium, December 9, 2020.